Dessert E-Cigarette Flavors

This is where you start to get e-cigarette flavors that would be completely different in comparison with tobacco. E-cigarette companies managed to recreate in vapor form various flavors. Let your imagination surprise you, because you can find a vapor version of just about every desert popular for people.

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GLV-3 E-Cigarette

GLV-3 E-Cigarette

The GLV-3 is an interesting type of e-cigarette. This particularity is manifested in that it has the ability to operate as a standard tube-shaped mod or be connected to a box containing a bottle that feeds liquid to the heating coil from the bottom.

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Choosing E-Smoking Liquids

Choosing E-Smoking Liquids

When you buy an e-cigarette kit for the first time, you will be satisfied with the given items. However, soon you’ll probably buy additional parts. You might buy one bottle or pack of cartomizers a week — you’ll be purchasing e-cigarette liquids.

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The Dangers of E-Cigarette Use

The Dangers of E-Cigarette Use

Electronic cigarettes were first invented and appeared in China in 2003. The principal difference of e-cigarette from tobacco cigarette is that e-cigarette does not burn. People instead of smoke with its carcinogens and resins breathe vapor. E-cigarette consists of three main parts, battery, the steam generator (so called atomizer, cartomizer, clearomizer) and the e-liquid ( cartridges, storages ).

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